The streets in this community are Tiffany Lane, Batiste Trail, Jersey Lane, Renfrew Lane, Carnaby Lane & Promenade Trail.
The elementary schools that service this area are Holy Cross, Centennial PS, and Joseph Gibbons PS.
The secondary schools that service this area are Christ the King Secondary School & Georgetown District High School.
For more information about these schools & transportation or schools with French immersion programs, please click here.
Click here for school bus eligibility by address.
Quick Links to the Neighbourhoods of Halton Hills (Georgetown):
Old Georgetown
Park Area
Moore Park
Marywood Meadows
Stewart Maclaren
Georgetown South
Georgetown Estates
Banks of the Credit River
Trafalgar County
Falling Water
Stewart’s Mill
Dominion Gardens & Victoria Gardens
Arbor Glen
Weaver’s Mill
Silver Creek Estates
The information contained herein is believed to be accurate; however buyers should still make their own inquiries.
Listings - Weaver's Mill and Adjacent Neighborhoods